Sunday, February 1, 2009

Just tidbits, really.

Yay, it's that most glorious of Sundays, Superbowl Sunday!  I am one of those crazy people who doesn't really care too much about football.  I go to/watch exactly two games a year, both because of my friends H and K, who truly do love football.  Scarily enough, I realized at the Homecoming game that I am starting to actually understand the rules.  Oh dear.  

Anyhoo, I am one of those people who enjoy the Superbowl for the socialization opportunity (there have always been Superbowl parties, ever since I was a little 'un) and especially for the commercials.  Oh the commercials.  

There are actually looking to be several really cool Sci-Fi movie trailers during this year's game.  I am really looking forward to the Monsters v. Aliens trailer (though I couldn't find any 3D glasses) as well as the Transformers 2 trailer.  There are also rumors we'll get to see the Terminator:  Salvation trailer.  Dude.

So, that is how I will be spending my afternoon.  Good friends, good food, a hopefully good game, and some entertaining and over the top commercials.  

Anyhoo, here are some random thoughts I've had about my shows this week.

I was amused that all of my new shows on USA this week (Burn Notice, Monk, and Psych) had football themed episodes.  Gee, USA is owned by NBC Universal, and NBC is broadcasting the Superbowl this year...hmm....  I think Psych won the weekend with its just absolute silliness, and the use of football uniforms to further the show's budding romance.  Burn Notice managed to work the game into the episode into the most subtle manner, and Monk had some good comedic relief with Randy's attempts to watch the game and the "Bob Costas thinks a kitten tried to kill him" bit.  

I was watching Legend of the Seeker last night and realized I really can't ever read the books now.  I enjoy the show, it's silly and fun in the vein of Hercules, but I don't know that I would enjoy looking deeper at any of these characters.  The concept of the Confessors has just seriously become, in my mind, one of the most pointless types of super-character to have around.  I mean, yeah, she can tell if people are lying or not, but she can't find out what the actual truth is without Confessing them and therefore putting them under her complete control for the rest of their lives.  Then there's the whole romance with her and Richard.  Bleh.  I do like the wizard though.  Zed rocks.

Heh, I started watching my Blossom DVDs last night and got through the first disc.  It is such a silly show.  I also had either never realized or just completely forgotten that in every freakin' episode there is some ridiculous Blossom dream sequence.  What an odd device to use as the hook for your show.  I find myself hoping that gets tapered out as the show progresses, but really can't remember.  I think probably the most entertaining thing about watching this show again is to play "spot the guest star."  I am not talking about the big name people like Little Richard, Rhea Perlman, Estelle Getty, Eileen Brennan, etc. (although now I do seriously want to go watch Clue again).  I am talking about all of the random people who have little two second bits that ended up becoming someone big.  So far, in just the first six episodes, I have spotted Giovanni Ribisi (credited as Vonni Ribisi), Tobey Maguire, Johnny Galecki (which makes a Blossom joke on an episode of The Big Bang Theory even funnier), this guy that I always think is Rip from School Ties but is actually Riley from The Torkelsons, and Stephen Dorff.  And I still have a season and a half to go...

Battlestar.  Dude, Gaeta, Gaeta, Gaeta....I know you think you're doing the right thing but siding with Zarek against Adama almost never leads to good things...It was an absolutely stellar episode, and I liked almost nothing that happened in it.  Plus, it was a "to be continued" which means waiting for next week's episode will be even worse than usual.  Also, on the clip for next week's episode they say "Tigh is dead" which leads me to believe this is a clever ruse and he somehow escapes the showdown with the marines in the airlock...  Seriously.  My hubby and I were talking and I think we've both come to agree there aren't going to be any humans left alive by the end of this series--except for maybe the people that are hooking up with Cylons, and Baltar of course.  As my hubby said, he's like a cockroach.  

Last but not least, I have this hyper-sensitivity to spotting crocheted blankets that pop up in television or movies.  It is a fun little Easter egg hunt for me, and it has been espescially fruitful of late.  I do have a tendency to look at the blankets and go, hmm....I could make that... It used to be shoes.  I always used to notice characters' shoes, but now it is blankets.  Ahh, how the world turns.  

Well, there's your glimpse into the chaos of my head for the week.  I hope all is well.

Enjoy your Superbowl Sunday!


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