Friday, February 13, 2009

I'm pretty sure this is how my husband feels...

I just wanted to share today's strip of Real Life Comics with y'all.  

I am pretty sure this aptly describes the feelings that my husband and I have towards Stargate, where I am Greg (the fan) and my hubby is Dave (the one that just wants to play a video game).  

Heh, I jest though.  My husband is actually much more patient.  But I do often think he is just humoring my love for the series.  

Anyhoo, if it's not big enough to read for you, check out the link above.  It is the strip for Feb 13, 2009.  This is a great strip.  You should be reading it if there are nerds in your life.  It might help you understand them a little better.  Just sayin...

Peace out, y'all.


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