Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Well, I have finally completely given up on Smallville.  I couldn't even make myself watch last week's episode on the DVR, so I just deleted it.  Didn't even bother to set the magic box to record it this week.  

I even took all seven seasons worth of DVDs into Half Price Books today.  Got a fairly decent price for them too.  

So that's it.  No more Smallville for me.  I am done.  I wish all parties involved all the best in the world.  They can run for another ten seasons if they want, won't bother me, cuz I won't be watching.


Jumped back into the Inheritance books this week.  Reread Eragon and Eldest and am a good chunk of the way through Brisingr right now.  Of course, that made me remember anew my anger at the Eragon movie.  Gah.  It was so poorly done.  We could have had three movies of total awesome rather than one that is best just forgotten.  Oh well.  C'est la vie.  Sometimes it's better left to the imagination of the reader than to the imagination of a corps of profit-driven filmmakers, eh?

I am wondering though if this is another not-trilogy like Jim Butcher's Alera Codex.  I could swear it's a trilogy but at this point I have no idea how Paolini is going to wrap up Eragon's adventures by the end of book three.  I guess I'll just have to keep reading and find out!

And so...back I go.

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