Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Well that's what I get...

Just finished reading Brisingr, the third book in the Inheritance Cycle.  Excellent book, and as I thought, not the last.  

For some reason, I thought it was supposed to be a trilogy though, not a quadrilogy (the end note in book three states the story will be concluded in book four).  I don't know why I keep thinking series are trilogies when they are not.  What is up with that?

Gah!  Now I have to wait God knows how long for the fourth book to come out.  Do you know how long it took between Eldest and Brisingr?  Sigh.  Oh well.  It will give me an excuse to read them all over again in a few years.  That's probabaly, IMHO, the only good thing about falling into a series when it is still being written.  

Also, I make a prediction now--the covers of the first three books depicted the dragons Saphira, Thorn, and Glaedr.  I think book four is going to have the bad guy's dragon, Shruikan, on the cover.  That's my guess.  

So hey, if you're looking for a fun fantasy series to pick up, I can totally recommend this one.  There are dragons and elves and dwarves and other beasties running around.  Though if you're looking for something to read aloud to a little one, I definitely suggest reading through each chapter to yourself before performing for an audience.   The names and places are all a mouthful.

Man...too bad I have a huge reading pile to still work through.  This has given me the hankering to reread The Wheel of Time again...

Oh well, in the meantime, I think I may meander over to Kristen Britain's website to see if there are any updates on when the next Green Rider book will be out...

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