Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Back now.

Hey, sorry about falling off of the edge of the planet there.  I totally meant to write a recap/my thoughts on the BSG premiere episode but it really rather blew me away.  My husband and I talked about it most of the weekend and I was marshalling all of my thoughts for a lovely blog.  I really just needed to give it another watch so I could refresh my memory.  And then I realized I just could not watch it again, not so soon.  It was phenomenal, but man, it was hard.  They truly will not be going easy on us from here on out.  I am starting to think that little one-off comment one of the actors made to the press about how no one is going to live through the end of the season may have been more than just flippancy...

I will say this.  I am not digging that they are having Gaeta be the one sparking the ship's mutiny.  Sigh.  I can in some ways see how it is probably the logical/necessary next step for his character but I don't like it.  Oh well.  Maybe it will all get resolved this week and we can move on.  Also, I am kind of curious to see how the Matt/Mohinder-like situation that is brewing with the Chief and Hot Dog shapes up.

Anyhoo, so what have I been up to?  Wow...too much and not enough.  I actually spent most of last week cleaning my house, took a pretty big break from television.  I tried watching season seven of Smallville and got through two discs before I realized I really just don't care any more.  I put the box away and resolved to take all seven seasons of DVDs to Half Price Books in the near future.  I am done with that show.  I'll keep watching it on television, at least through the current season, I make no promises about contininuing on if they bring it back for season nine (please television gods, don't do it).  But this is not a series I need on DVD.  

Blossom, however, apparently is...I am expecting seasons one and two to arrive today.  Hmm.  Yeah.  Those of you who know me outside of the interwebs know that I have been waiting for the promised bulit-in bookshelves/DVD shelves in my front room since we moved into our house about a year and a half ago.  (Not complaining, dear husband, just explaining.)  Circumstances have happened lately that mean we pretty much have to get them built by this summer though.  So I think when I have my new DVD shelves, I am going to use that as an opportunity to weed through my DVDs and evaluate what I actually need to own and what I can go turn in for some spare change.  

I did start watching Grey's Anatomy season four the other day, oh man, great stuff.  This show is totally popcorn, or as one of my friends puts it, "brain candy."  But I love it, and it generally just makes me feel a little bit better.  My life is nowhere near as screwed up as anyone on that show.  

Hmm...what else, what else?  Went and saw the new Underworld movie yesterday.  It was fairly enjoyable, but kind of pointless.  I am not sure it needed to be made, since pretty much the whole story is explained at various points in the first two movies.  Speaking of which, I need to go rewatch those, because then maybe this one will make more sense.  Also, the cinematography was ridiculously dark.  Okay, yes, I know the whole thing takes place at night, and I don't know if they were going for a sense of "realism" or what, but I could hardly see anything.  It is possible to have clearly defined scenes that take place in the dark.  Hollywood has proved that folks.  But, all in all, some pretty decent brain candy.  Lots of fun vampire versus werewolves fights.  

Also saw Twilight yesterday (it was a vampire double header, what can I say).  I saw that this was still playing at the theater we were catching Underworld at and since I have decided this will probably not go in my DVD collection, I thought I'd try to catch it on the big screen while I still could.  I enjoyed it.  It was ridiculous and over the top, and I feel like the music and cinematography were both completely overboard, but still, it was a pretty enjoyable two hours for someone who liked the book.  I think I will probably enjoy the second one a little more, since my favorite character is Jacob the werewolf and he hardly gets any screentime in the first film.  

Ooh!  Does anyone remember the random pirate movie Yellowbeard?  I was trying to explain it to someone the other day and realized I should just get it since it is a fond memory and it would be easier to show to people than explain.  I mean seriously, it's the Cheech and Chong pirate movie, with John Cleese and Peter Boyle....yeah.  Anyhoo, it came yesterday.  I am looking forward to sitting my husband down and making him watch it--assuming that he can ever come back from New York.  Stupid weather.  Keep your fingers crossed for good flying conditions!

Well, that is all I've got.  I'll do my best not to fall off the edge of the earth again any time soon.


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