Sunday, November 16, 2008

How much do I love this guy?

I have to say I am really loving Sanctuary.  It was fun as a web series and all, but now that they have a (presumably) bigger budget and are a SciFi Channel staple, it seems the show has really been able to find its stride.  And while my hopes of seeing more Kavan Smith have come to naught, I have been pleasantly surprised by Ryan Robbins' turn as geeky tech guy Henry.  

For fans of genre television, Ryan Robbins is hardly a newcomer.  On the SciFi Channel alone you may recognize him as Ladon Radim from Stargate Atlantis:

Or you might recognize him as Charlie Connor from Battlestar Galactica:

He's also appeared on Smallville and on Psych.  So clearly, this guy keeps popping up in shows that I watch.  But I have to say, he's never really played terribly sympathetic characters in his previous roles.  

On Atlantis Ladon first appears with Kolya's strike team to take over Atlantis during the storm in the first season.  Then he pops back up as Cowan's lackey in a scheme to steal some puddle jumpers and do research into the ATA gene on Lorne & team.  Eventually he overthrows Cowan and takes over the Genii and becomes a tentative ally of Atlantis, but now the Genii are starting to pop up as the potential bad guys, ambigous at best.

While on Battlestar he eventually ends up the friendly neighborhood bartender, after New Caprica he is one of the most fervent of the circle throwing "Cylon collaborators" out of the airlock of the Galactica.  I mean he tries to space Gaeta, not exactly something designed to put a character in my good graces.  

But Henry in Sanctuary is something else entirely.

My favorite line from all of the episodes so far is when it looks like the team might have to evacuate the Sanctuary in the episode "Nubbins."  Henry turns to Dr. Magnus and states "Women and nerds first.  Oh wait...that's all of us."  Absolutely beautiful.  I have to admit, I've got a soft spot for the nerdy tech guys.  It's just in my nature.  Plus, in this week's episode they revealed that he's some kind of abnormal--a very werewolf like abnormal, in fact.  We all know I love super smart nerdy werewolves (see Oz in Buffy).  

So all in all I have to say that Henry is definitely my favorite character on Sanctuary so far.  And that's saying something, because I really like all of the main characters.  Despite their apparently atrocious accents that keep driving the writers at i09 crazy.  

And it's not like I'm not getting my Kavan Smith fix elsewhere.  I hadn't realized the first time around how many episodes of The 4400 he was actually in.  It makes an awesome viewing experience even better...

Alrighty then, that's all I've got for now.  Take care!



Anonymous said...

Came here via a link at Gateworld. I too am so glad that they have expanded Henry's role in the series. Ryan Robbins is a terrific actor and I love that he gets to play a more humorous character for a change.

As for Kavan Smith, he is going to be reprising his role as Detective Kavanaugh in this week's episode, "Edward." He also told fans at a convention recently that he would be coming back in a recurring capacity on Sanctuary next season.

Much to look forward to!


SciFiTVFanGirl said...

Huzzah! That is fantastic news indeed! Thanks for sharing, and for stopping by!