Wednesday, November 12, 2008

And cue the lightbulb over my head...

So, I just saw this article about the new pilot HBO has greenlit for their mini-series based on the George R. R. Martin series "A Song of Fire and Ice."  This led to a cartoon type moment of illumination.  I mentioned I've been watching the Legend of the Seeker series.  The reason I started watching it was because for some reason I was thinking it was the Fire and Ice series which I had heard rumors of a while back.  I have read a few short stories set in that universe (in the wonderful anthologies "Legends" that Robert Silverberg puts together).  I really felt like this was a universe I could fall right into.  But I could never remember the name and for some reason the Legend of the Seeker synopsis sounded familiar to me.  

Of course about five minutes in I realized the series was based on a different set of novels than the ones I was thinking about, but I figured maybe I had just imagined the wrong series was getting a television shot.  Silly me.  Oh well.  Anyhoo.  Huzzah for the Fire and Ice pilot, and the fact that it is HBO that optioned it.  This could bode well.  Fingers crossed that it actually gets picked up.  Of course that means I might have to make sure I keep HBO around...but maybe it will be available on iTunes...  They are planning to follow the same story arc that my husband and I keep hoping someone will do with the Wheel of Time series--a novel a season.  If this works out maybe WOT is only a few years behind!

Other random musings from this week:

I realized last night I have no idea why I actually watch Boston Legal, only that now that I've started, I can't seem to stop.  I mean, I enjoy it and all, but I really am only watching it out of habit.

I also realized that my favorite two procedural shows are hands down Bones (for the tracking down the bad guys/forensics aspect) and Eli Stone (for the "law" aspect, though that show maybe applies the term loosely).  These are both excellent shows that are so far managing to fly pretty much under the radar but are maybe better off for that fact.

Also, Fringe is freaking incredible.  

That is all.

I think I will go watch some Young Hercules and try to untangle a skein of yarn before bed.  Ooh, don't I live large?

Peace y'all,

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