Sunday, November 23, 2008

You can't have any, you're too young.

If you know what that is from, then you my friend, have pretty decent taste in bad movies.  

If you don't, well, totally your loss.

Also, I am having a bit of a face-palm moment here.  I have to confess I am currently watching Legally Blonde.  Don't look at me like that.  I was flipping through the channels looking for something background to watch while I finished playing around on the internet and I just kind of stopped on it...I totally didn't mean to get sucked in, and yet I did.

This is a stupendous piece of fluff.  Also, there is an insane amount of tremendously talented people in it.  

Aside from Reese Witherspoon and Luke Wilson (you know, Owen Wilson's much more attractive and talented brother), you have:

Oh, and of course, Raquel Welch.

Crazy times people, crazy times.  But I think we are approaching the time of year for viewing fluff, so I make no apologies.

Anyhoo, really I am about to dive back into The 4400, so there is some more intellectual viewing on the horizon at least.

It looks like a bunch of my shows just went on hiatus this week until next year.  So I should be getting some good quality DVD time in soon.  Probably watch Wall-E a few more times as well...

Anyhoo, I hope you all have a fantastic Thanksgiving week and holiday.  I am looking forward to having most of the week off, even though I'll be in Tennessee and it's much colder there than here in Texas.  Family is worth it.  

Take care y'all!

P.S.  Also, huzzah for the return of Kavan Smith (not Kevin Smith or even The Other Kevin Smith, may he rest in peace) on Sanctuary Friday night!  I love it!


Anonymous said...

How had you not seen Legally Blonde before?! OMG. I've failed you as a friend.

Also, the Broadway musical version is every bit as fabulous as you would imagine.

SciFiTVFanGirl said...

Okay, let me clarify--have TOTALLY seen Legally Blonde before. As I mentioned to my hubby while I was watching the badly dubbed version (it was on the CW), I am pretty sure I have it on DVD. It's one of my guilty pleasure movies. :o)

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness! I'd hate to think there was something that awesome out there and you'd missed it.

"I don't feel the need to explain my art to you, Warren."