Thursday, August 30, 2007

Greetings and Salutations!

Hello out there in internet land! My name is Cori and this is my blog. Obviously. Anyhoo, I just wanted to write a brief introduction to let you know who I am and give you a little bit of an idea as to what this journal will be about. So, on with the show.

First things first, you’ll need to know a little bit about me. I live in Texas, where it is hot, just the way I like it. I have two cats and a husband to mind when I am not at work. I work for a corporation that will not be named here, mostly because this blog is about things that make me happy, and right now, that’s not my job. Depending on your definition of the terms, I am on most days either a geek or a nerd. Sometimes I’m both. I do try not to be a dork, although I must confess I’m not too sure I succeed at that. I consider myself a fairly laid back person and I try to take life as it comes. On the other hand, I am also a little bit OCD and have a tendency to make lists out the wazoo; my particular fondness being for “to do” lists.

Legos in almost any shape, size, or franchise make me extremely happy. Lego Star Wars the video game is the bee’s knees if you’re a Cori.

I love to spend time with people I like, and I try to keep myself in a positive frame of mind whenever possible. To that end, some things I love to do are go to movies, go to local music shows (and sometimes big venue concerts, though the local scene has spoiled those for me somewhat), read, crochet, and watch television or something from my vast library of DVDs.

I have over the last several years discovered a deep and abiding love for that kooky genre known—lovingly to my fellow geeks and nerds and warily to all others—as science fiction. In addition, I have found over the last few years that the quality of television shows in general (completely discounting so-called “reality” TV) has vastly improved. At the very least, I find myself much more interested in television than movies lately. I have read several articles and discussions about this and the general consensus, with which I would have to agree, is that when given the chance to do it right, the people making television shows are getting the chance to actually develop characters into, if not real people, then at least very interesting people that you find yourself caring about. Wow, that was a long sentence.

So, given the fact that I already have several sci-fi shows that I enjoy, and the fact that I am above all else an aspiring writer, I thought that I would put together this little blog so that you, dear reader, can get a peek into my mind to see what I think about what I’ve seen lately. I plan to cover current shows, old favorites, and potential new contenders.

Just to give you an idea of what’s to come; here are some of the shows currently on air that I am watching:


Dr. Who

The 4400

Shows that I am looking forward to (new and returning):

Stargate Atlantis




Bionic Woman (mostly out of curiosity)

Battlestar Galactica (even though they’re making us wait until January!)

Moonlight (again, it’s mostly the curiosity)

The kinds of things you won’t be seeing in this blog are, as my friend K so colorfully put it, “thought provoking comparison between Mr. Spock and Allyson Hannigan's character on the show with the vampires.” My plans mostly involve review, ramblings, and fluff. I hope you enjoy!



Recent Acquisitions: Heroes Season 1, A Night at the Roxbury (Special Collector’s Edition)