Thursday, November 13, 2008

Really, it's about time.

I don't know how many Whedonites I've got out there, but if you've been following the coverage of the upcoming Joss Whedon show Dollhouse, then you know that the nay-sayers have been out in full force.  It seems like every time I log in someone is saying something somewhere about how the show is just doomed before it has even begun.  

Even Joss Whedon's own assurances that, really, things are going pretty groovy, seem to have been largely ignored or taken as a harbinger of death for the show.  

So I have to say I was very pleased to see this article on i09 yesterday.  It's nice to know that there are still people out there who are actually looking forward to this show with anticipation and who haven't given up on it before it has even aired just because they are afraid it might be cancelled early.

Two pieces of advice people:
-If you don't watch because you think it's going to be cancelled, it will be cancelled.
-Just be frakkin' patient.  Wait and see folks, wait and see.  

I have all the faith in the world that Joss can pull this off if we let him.  He is, after all, a genius.  That's why we love him.


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