One of my email lists put out the word yesterday that actor Jason Momoa, fabulous portrayer of Ronon Dex on my fave show Stargate Atlantis, has decided to cut off his signature dreads.

Now, personally, I don't really care what kind of hairstyle an actor or actress has. I mean, I've been known to comment, "wow that's a stupid haircut" from time to time, but really, none of my business. I'm just having a hard time imagining Ronon without the dreads. This guy is a total badass--that's his thing, and part of that is that he's got an aura of "wild" to him. The dreads add to that by giving him a very lion-esque appearance. Amusingly enough, he had to jump through some hoops to get the approval from the show's producers before he could get rid of the dreads. Apparently those evil geniuses finished season four with a bit of a cliffhanger (surprise surprise) and season five will pick up right where season four leaves off. So there's a major continuity issue if Ronon doesn't have dreads. The solution? After consulting with a "hair expert" the producers and Jason agreed that he will hang onto the dreads after they are removed so that they can be reattached when season five starts filming. I didn't see any specifics on when/if they will let the character of Ronon shed his mane though. Should be an interesting random detail to keep your eyes open for though.
Let's see...my buddy Christopher Jacot made another guest appearance this past week. Remember, this is the actor who plays the recurring role of Larry the sycophant on Eureka. I love to hate him. This time he showed up on Smallville. He was, of course, the bad guy. Seriously, if you're watching a show where there's some kind of crime or mystery to solve and Christopher Jacot is doing a guest spot, it's him. It's always him. Awesome. In this incarnation as bad guy he played the comic book obsessed PA to a starlet playing the girlfriend in the Warrior Angel movie. Good ol' Chris was miffed that the movie producers had decided to let the girlfriend live when in the original comic story line she died. So he of course decides it's his job to kill the actress on camera. This results in him finding out about Clark's powers and thus being carted off to Belle Reve insane asylum. Oddly enough though, I found myself rooting for him a little this week as he tried to off Lana so Clark could move on and accept his destiny to save the world. Seriously...dude had a point. I will admit I kind of dig how evil they are making Lana lately, I just wish they would actually make her evil and not all sweet and good whenever Clark is looking her way. It's just a rehash of the first few seasons with her in Lex's place. Sheesh.
Snippet number three tonight is about Journeyman. Is anyone else completely digging this series? I keep reading all of the critics' theories that it is just doomed and awful, but this one is really starting to grow on me. Even though it airs late enough that it makes me miss my bedtime to do so, I've started watching this one live. It also seems to me that NBC is still promoting the heck out of this show, so I am not sure why everyone keeps tolling the bells of early cancellation here. I don't think the network's ready to give up yet. I hope not. Sweeps are coming up so I guess we'll know more after November. My fingers are certainly crossed.
Now I think I shall shell out some love for Dr. Who. I was contemplating last night who I would want to be if I did dress up for Halloween and I think I pretty much decided I would want to be the Doctor (as portrayed by David Tennant, I adore him). Fear not though--even if I was even remotely tall or skinny, and thus able to pull off the sweet vintage pin-striped suit, I completely lack the motivation to go find such a suit or to wear it in public. So no one will have to endure me looking silly. At least not for that particular reason at any rate. And in case you were wondering he wears that kick-ass suit with high-top cons. Score.

Anyhoo, to get back on track, I have recently started watching season two of the series. I have watched this series so completely out of order it boggles the mind. I started with season three and then moved on to season one, then started watching the spin-off series Torchwood (which aired after season three) and am just now getting into season two. Yet somehow I have managed not to confuse myself too much with the continuity. I think that might be one of the most beautiful things about this series. You can watch it in almost any order--and even if you know something from seeing a later show that you probably shouldn't know when you watch an earlier episode, it doesn't actually spoil that earlier episode. Brilliant!
I'm only a few episodes in (the Christmas special and the first two, to be exact) but so far here are some of the highlights for me:
-While running around in pajamas (or as he refers to them, jim jams) and a bath robe, the Doctor makes a wonderful passing reference to Arthur Dent and what a nice guy he was.
-While defending the human race he starts quoting "The Circle of Life" from the Lion King, then realizes halfway through that he's quoting the Lion King.
-Anthony Stewart Head, best known to us Yanks as Giles from Buffy, has a guest spot on the next episode I get to watch. Huzzah! It was his guest spot on MI-5 that got me hooked on that show. I completely forget that he's kind of a big thing across the pond so I get all warm and fuzzy every time I am reminded. Also, it makes me super jazzed for the Buffy spin-off special (possibly series) that BBC is working on based around Giles. Yay Ripper!
-The episode I watched today involved Rose and the Doctor in 1879 (they were trying to get to 1979, oops) running into Queen Victoria just as she's getting caught in a trap by a werewolf/alien thing. There's this lovely scene where they're all running from the werewolf and it totally made a bit from Eddie Izzard pop into my head. You all know what I'm talking about...that's one well protected queen...
Anyhoo, so that's all I've got for you tonight. It's not much more than random musings, but it's what has been going on in my head in between all of the blanket making. I hope you all have a wonderful Halloween!
"God attack the queen, send big dogs after her, that bite her bum..."
Hey, at least I don't have "Viva Las Vegas" stuck in my head any more.
Recent acquisitions: Scrubs season six, My So Called Life the complete series (with an essay by Joss Whedon included, score!), and Twin Peaks the complete series (definitive Gold Box edition)
Hey, at least I don't have "Viva Las Vegas" stuck in my head any more.
Recent acquisitions: Scrubs season six, My So Called Life the complete series (with an essay by Joss Whedon included, score!), and Twin Peaks the complete series (definitive Gold Box edition)
We are totally getting into Journeyman too now that most of the figuring out part is over with. Not liking smallville so much anymore... we're just basically tolerating it waiting for Clark to learn how to fly (and hopefully dump Lana)!
I am so right there with you...Lana has just outlived her usefulness to the story.
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