Sunday, July 12, 2009

The fangirl is out.

I have been struggling with this decision for a few months now but I have finally decided it is time for this blog to go on a hiatus.

Mostly this is due to life in general. I've got a lot on my plate at the moment--at four and a half weeks out from my due date, I foresee I will be doing a lot of scrambling around to get ready for the arrival of my baby and after that will be quite busy taking care of her and enjoying the miracle that is life, and all that.

Also, even though I don't find myself really watching any less television (or movies) at the moment, I do find I am having a much harder time coming up with anything intelligent to say about what I've seen. Maybe it's pregnant brain, maybe I'm losing interest, maybe I just am not cut out to be a critic. Could even be all three.

Anyhoo, so for now I am calling it a game. I am not sure if this blog will make a return, but I truly do hope it will. I thank everyone who has been reading 'til now. You all are wonderful people and you make my day. Check back in a few months to see if I've been able to dive back in, and we'll all have our fingers crossed that that is the case.

Until then, take care y'all.

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