Sunday, July 5, 2009

And in the world of entertainment this week...

Only ten more days until Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince hits theaters! Huzzah!

Can you tell I am excited?

I may go try to catch Ice Age 3 this week if I can work it into my schedule. I definitely think that I will catch the 2D version though. That doesn't look like a movie where the 3D is anything but a gimmick. Not worth the extra couple of bucks to me.

Also, in super awesome fun news, this Saturday is the Dallas screening of Can't Stop the Serenity! Huzzah! Doesn't look like they've got a guest speaker this year but they will also be showing Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog on the big screen, which should be pretty darn cool. I've got a friend who is a new convert to Firefly and is coming with us this year, so I am also looking forward to seeing her in her first Browncoat experience. It should be good times to be had by all. Most likely look for more about that next week.

I did get season five of Atlantis on DVD last Tuesday, of course. I am currently two discs in and plan to get it finished up early this week so I can also watch the first half of Eureka's season 3 in preparation for the second half of the season *finally* returning to television this Friday. SciFi Channel also officially changes over to SyFy this week, and I will probably try to catch the premiere of new series Warehouse 13 on Tuesday. It's Jane Espensen's baby, so definitely worth a look.

I probably would be done with the Atlantis DVDs by now except I actually didn't watch that much television (for me) this week. It was a combination of a few things--my husband coming home from his three week sojourn in Europe, the holiday, and I also did a lot of reading and playing Zoo Tycoon. I made a nice freeform zoo and now am working my way back through the scenario games.

I read the newest (in paperback, anyway) Dresden Files book, Small Favor. My husband and I actually had previously heard this one last fall right after it was released in hardback. We rented the audio book (read by James Marsters) on a road trip. But it's been a while and getting to read it is so much better in my mind. Man, I love the world Jim Butcher has created in this series. It is just so rich and so full of characters on all sides of the fence that are memorable and entertaining, and believable, magic aside. Even though it's been well over a year since I had read any of the other books in this series, I found myself able to slip right back in without any confusion. That's a mark of a great world builder right there.

After I finished Small Favor, I devoured the quick read Backup. It's a short story by Butcher set in Dresden's world from the perspective of Thomas the vampire. If you like these books, this one is definitely worth picking up--though you definitely don't want to read it until after Small Favor, as that seems to be where it is chronologically set.

So after finishing my trip to Butcher's Chicago (man, I so am going to the Field Museum the next time I visit my mom), yesterday I picked up the next book in my pile. Hard Contact is the first book in the Republic Commando series by Karen Traviss. Yes, it's a Star Wars book. It is set shortly after the events of Episode II and is about a group of commando clones on a misson where everything goes FUBAR pretty quickly. I got about 2/3 of the way through it yesterday and I have to say, I am pretty engrossed. I will definitely want to pick up the next books in this series when I get the chance. Traviss does a really good job of showing not only that the clones are each different from one another, but how that can be so. It makes me even sadder knowing of their inevitable betrayal of the Jedi that is to come, but maybe that is what makes it so enjoyable in the first place. I do have to say also, this book introduces (to me anyway) a new alien species of shapeshifters that I totally dig. I look forward to seeing how this story plays out, that's for sure.

Anyway, so that's what's going on over here. I hope you all had a splendiferous fourth of July and wish all a wonderful week!


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