Sunday, June 14, 2009

In a galaxy far far away...

The Pegasus Galaxy, that is.

That's right, I caved and I decided it was time to rewatch Stargate Atlantis. Even though I've got a few other sets of DVDs coming (starting with Burn Notice season two this week), I decided to gear up for the release of SGA season five at the end of this month with a nice Atlantis marathon.

Good stuff.

I am hip-deep in season two at the moment. Sadly, I started it yesterday and will probably finish it today. What can I say, my husband is out of the country for three weeks, and while I have been keeping plenty busy during the week, I decided I needed to just take this weekend off, and so what did I end up doing? Watching a whole lotta' Stargate. :o)

But back to season two. The last time I "rewatched" the series was when Skiffy ran marathons leading up to the last half of season five returning from hiatus. This was just after I stopped working. But, in between them skipping around a bit and me needing things like, you know, sleep, I didn't see every episode. I missed most of season two. I had forgotten just how truly awesome this season is. For one thing, the show really started to find its stride. For another, a very lot of important things happen in this season that set the tone for stuff throughout the remainder of the series. We learn more about the Wraith, we learn more about why the Ancients really lost the war...Sheppard pulls a Zack Morris and kisses, like, every female lead on the show. I mean seriously, all kinds of stuff going down. We also really start to feel at home with these characters. This is where the beauty of McKay starts to shine through--up 'til now he was brilliant, sure, he was amusing, yeah, but he wasn't so truly human. He didn't really start to grow and learn from his mistakes (or even make real true mistakes) until this point. I mean, Trinity. 'Nuff said.

On a more personal note, season two is when I actually dove headfirst into the Stargate universe (not to be confused with the upcoming new series). I enjoyed season one immensely, but actually missed a lot of the second half due to my wedding that spring. Then for Christmas later that year, my husband got me season one on DVD (really, I blame my Stargate obsession all on him). After watching the first season again and catching up with what I'd missed, I met season two with brimming enthusiasm. I finally caved in during season two of SGA and decided to watch SG1 as well. This triggered my getting all eight available seasons of the mother show on DVD. This is also when I found Stargate fanfiction. I've been clean of that particular habit for almost two years now (and don't think that now that I don't work I am not completely tempted to surf back on over to Wraithbait and see what I've been missing in my absence--I fight it only because I know that it would suck all of my time up and I would never get anything else done again ever), but my love for the Stargate universe is still going quite strong.

Also, one of the major benefits of season two: The arrival of Major Lorne. Huzzah! Ah, I am enjoying all of my Lorne-y goodness.

So, for the next few weeks I expect to be fully submerged in Stargate awesomeness again, and I will enjoy it while I can. I have two SGA novels in my reading pile, and I think those may have just gotten bumped up to the top of the queue now that I am in that mindset again. I do truly miss this show, but at least there's the promise of more television movies to come. Now, if only they could figure out a way to get McKay on Stargate Universe, that would be nerd heaven.

Well, I bid you adieu. Until next time.


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