Monday, June 8, 2009

Go see Up.

Seriously, just go. It is incredible. It is funny and sad and scary and dark and happy and just plain entertaining.

There's a talking dog, an adorable spastic kid, a grumpy old man that could put Walter Matthau to shame, and a crazy fun exotic bird.

Not to mention an old man fight that is just brilliant.

So yeah, go see it. It's worth your time, I promise.

Also, on the 3D or not decision--I saw it in 3D and while some effects were kind of nifty that way, there didn't really seem to be anything going on that would feel less if you just see it in a regular theater. So, that's totally a judgement call on your part.

Anyhoo, I've said my piece. Seriously, what are you waiting for? Go see it! :o)


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