Sunday, May 24, 2009


Ahh, summer time...that magical time of year that was once rife with television reruns--a chance to catch up on missed episodes or enjoy favorites over again.  Now it's full of God-awful reality programming on the big networks and actually a pretty decent selection of original programming on cable networks.  

Already this summer we've got In Plain Sight on USA and Primeval on BBC America.  I have been enjoying the new season of both of these shows so far.  Good stuff.  But wait, there's more!  June and July are bringing back some great shows that I am really looking forward to.  Here's what's on the horizon for my viewing schedule this summer:

The Closer
Raising the Bar

Also, I am hoping to see the rest of the season of Trust Me--I assume they'll be burning those off as soon as basketball (bleah) finishes up.

Burn Notice
Monk (last season!)

Eureka (huzzah!!)

There may be some other shows on SyFy premiering this summer but I'm not too sure at the moment about that.

BBC America:

Also, ABC is going to air the last few episodes of Eli Stone on Saturday nights in June (the final episodes of Pushing Daisies started last night I think, for fans of that show).

Is it just me or does it seem almost easier to get excited about the summer's cable shows than the networks' fall schedules?  The schedule itself may not be as full, but the quality, to me at least, seems to be a lot higher of late.  Sigh.  

Speaking of fall schedules, upfronts ran this week, so we finally got to find out what's going on come September.  Dollhouse and Chuck did get renewed, huzzah!  Even if they both only got shortened seasons, that's not necessarily a bad thing, it gives the writers a chance to make much tighter story arcs which can lead to better viewing for us.  It is going to suck having to wait until January or February for Chuck to start airing though, since it is sharing a timeslot with the shortened season of Heroes.  I have to say, I am a little bewildered by how packed Thursday nights are going to be.  We've got Bones, Grey's Anatomy, and The Office all running at 8 p.m. (central).  Sigh.  Of course, I blame Fox.  They just have to mess with their schedule, don't they?  They just have to shuffle Bones around onto some random new night again.  Honestly, so amazed that show has survived, the way they treat it (but hey, it got renewed for two seasons, not just one, so that's awesome).  I keep telling myself it will only last a few months though and then Fox will need to rearrange and it will be the first to get moved.  We'll see, I guess.  I am really hoping that ABC has full episodes of Grey's available online.  I think that's the one that is going to have to get bumped from the actual television viewing, because I always try to watch Bones live and The Office is a show my husband and I make time to watch together, which is harder to do at the computer than on the couch.

And finally, in some rather exciting (for me at least) news--Neilsen is sending out surveys to select new households to include in their ratings research and I got one.  So, there's no guarantee I'll be selected, but it is a possibility.  I feel giddy with the promise of power.  

And that's me.  Until next time, happy viewing!

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