Sunday, May 10, 2009

Star's awesome!

Just wanted to pop in really quickly to say that the hubby and I did go see Star Trek last night and it was stupendous!  

(Even with the baby doing the Conga in my belly for the last 45 minutes or so...)

I prepared myself yesterday by watching Galaxy Quest and Spaceballs.  My theory was this:  If I ingested enough cheesy space opera beforehand, I would be prepared to love this movie no matter what direction it took.  And it worked!

Though I will say, the movie is not at all cheesy, I swear.  It was a lot of fun though.  I was laughing my tookus off on several occasions, and I know I probably missed at least half the inside jokes.

Just for those who want a little perspective on this:

I have very little exposure to Star Trek in general other than the pop culture working knowledge of it--so this is a good movie for "non-fans" to dive into the franchise with.  And I'll say this, it made me want to go and watch the original series and the other series and movies just to see what all of the fun is about.  I think that's pretty good.

My husband, on the other hand, moderately strong Trek fan.  He also very much enjoyed it.  Every so often he'd lean over and tell me something they had just done or said was a total tribute to the original.  I've heard this movie described as a "love letter" to the fans, and he agreed that it was.

Here's the thing that I really respect about this "reboot" (which I honestly have a hard time calling this).  Abrams, Kurtzman, and Orci didn't just jump in and say "look, all of that stuff that you know happened, that canon that you acknowledge and love--well, it never happened--what we're showing you is what really happened."  That's not how they went.  They made changes, but they made them in a way that completely acknowledged that everything we know to have come before did indeed come to pass, it's just that so did this version because somebody got it in his head to go back in time and change the timeline up big time.  So some of the characters evolve a bit differently, and the circumstances of how they all end up together aren't exactly how they were.  And while an alternate timeline story has huge potential to feel forced and contrived, this one very much isn't.  It is extremely well done, and that makes all of the difference.

So if you are at all a fan of scifi and are looking for a truly good film to go see, I would very much recommend this one to all of you out there.

Also, as a side note to my fellow Stargate fans, the wonderful Paul McGillion (who we all know and love as Carson Beckett) makes a brief appearance in the film.  You may remember he auditioned for Scotty, but lost the part to Simon Pegg (who I can't begrudge the role because he is freaking amazing).  But, the casting group liked Paul so much they found him a different part.  It's a nice little Easter Egg.  

So, that's all I've got for you guys.  

Live long and prosper, y'all.

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