Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Well, damn.

Man, I had a wonderful few days out of town and I get back and decide to check my email and one of the first things I find in my inbox is an announcement that Sci-Fi has declined to pick up Stargate Atlantis past the current fifth season. Grr. Argh. They are stating that there will definitely be one telemovie and promising even further straight to DVD movies a la SG-1's recent route. My fingers are crossed that these movies will actually happen. It won't be the same as getting to tune in every Friday with my favorite characters though.

I am enjoying the current season immensely, and I guess I'll just have to make the most of what I get. I hope the show-runners do the same!

Geez, add that to the announcement about the new Harry Potter movie getting bumped from this November to next July and it's kind of been a disappointing week on the entertainment front.

I think I need to go watch The Closer to cheer myself up...


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