Sunday, August 10, 2008

For Pony!

Okay, so I didn't watch a whole lot of television this week because I went to a baseball game and a rock show and have gotten completely sucked into the Twilight saga books. Imagine that, I kind of have a life sometimes. Wow.

Anyhoo, anything I would write about has been completely overshadowed by the Jimmy Neutron/Fairly Oddparents crossover episode my husband is currently watching. This is the most bizarre thing I have ever seen.

Though a villain named Shirley who whats to be your arch-friend is an amusing concept.

I did record the premier of Primeval on BBC America and plan to watch that this afternoon. If I remember I'll put a review of that up tonight or tomorrow to make it up to you for this lack of post.

Until then, I leave you with this thought:



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