Sunday, April 26, 2009

Another One Bites the Dust...

Man, can you feel it?  It's getting closer--it's almost that magical time of year when we Whedonites across the globe like to gather in order to celebrate our leader and to help raise money for a good cause to boot.

I am of course talking about Can't Stop the Serenity, a global series of screenings of the wondrous movie Serenity on or around Joss Whedon's birthday in order to celebrate the man and support his favorite charity Equality Now.  

If you're a fan of the shortlived but absolutely incredible series Firefly, you should totally head to the CSTS site and find out if your city or one nearby has signed up for a screening this year.  Usually screenings will occur the last week and a half or so in June, but apparently they can run all the way through August, so check it out.  This is a truly fun event for a truly worthy cause, and a great excuse to get together with other fans and just enjoy each other's company.  My husband and I have gone the last two years and have really enjoyed the experience each time.

Alas, if the Dallas event this year happens in the normal timeframe, my silly husband is going to be out of the country at the time.  He's going on tour with his band or some such thing like that.  But I digress.  While generally I am fine going to the movies by myself, this is really more of an event, and it's usually all the way out in Arlington or Dallas, where I do not generally go alone (especially not when I will be 7 months preggers).  So I have been working on finding friends to accompany me for this year's event, and in the progress, I managed to add another convert to the way of Firefly.  

A friend of mine who is a fan of Buffy and Angel but who has never really had the chance to see Firefly or Serenity seemed like she might enjoy the event and was amenable when I asked her about it.  Since I didn't want her to go in blind, however, I was going to just loan her the DVD set of the series.  Due to some other plans falling through last night, we ended up hanging out at my house instead of going out and we went ahead and popped in the first disc of the series.  And now she's hooked.  I have been informed that she's been plugging away at the rest of the series since early this morning.  I am so proud.

So yes, Firefly, it is awesome.  Share it with your friends and loved ones and improve their general quality of life.  

The only downside is that now I want to watch the rest of the series again too, and she's got my DVDs.  Hmm.  Oh well, she's going through them pretty quickly.

I hope you all have a great week.  I am off to settle down with Lost in Austen, so that should prove pretty exciting in its own right.

Laters y'all!  

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