Sunday, March 22, 2009

Not too much to say actually.

I've got some odds and ends I guess, but nothing substantial today.

I really liked the Battlestar series finale.  Honestly the only thing I felt wasn't done that well was the explanation of Kara's return from death.  It is just that apparently she was on the same level as the head people (i.e. Six and Baltar), but everyone could see and feel her...I dunno.  I didn't dislike it or anything, I just felt it was lacking somehow.  The archaeologist in me was really pleased with how they explained the colonials being our ancient anscestors without leaving any trace of, you know, a prior advanced civilization or anything.  Also, from the standpoint of their pantheon being the Greek gods, it just makes more sense for them to be in our past than for someone in our far future to have adopted a pantheon that in this day and age has been completely relegated to myth with no active worshippers.

Random thoughts on the episode:  It would have been so much better if SciFi/SyFy had showed the whole three hour episode together instead of airing the first hour separately.  Gah.  It just made the first hour seem pale and nonsensical in some ways IMO.  But whatever.  Said and done, yo.  I really was distracted by Apollo's shampoo commercial hair.  What was up with that?  I mean, over the course of the season it has gotten bigger and bigger--and I don't know why.  Weird weird.  I mean, I get that if he isn't in the military anymore there's no reason for him to keep it super short, but it was really getting out of hand by the end there.  I'm just sayin'.  Um...what else?  Oh yeah, All Along the Watchtower.  I have never been annoyed by Moore's choice to work that into the show, and I honestly actually love how he wove it into the entire fourth season.  I think it was cool, so I loved that they used it to close the show out.  I know it annoyed the crap out of most people, but seriously, it was fun.  

And that's all I think I have to say on that.

Dollhouse this week was pretty darn awesome.  And apparently the ratings didn't even take that big of a hit for airing opposite the BSG finale, which I was a little worried about.  Poor Ballard, he is surrounded by dolls and just doesn't even realize it.  Also, now in addition to Alpha, we've got a new "conspiracy" to figure out.  Who altered Echo's imprint to send Ballard a message?  I like the suggestion that it was Topher's assistant, though I almost kind of hope it was Echo--although I wonder if she could have known any of the info she passed on, so that may not be likely.  But still, ooh, new mystery.  I have to honestly say that nothing in this episode happened like I thought it would happen and I quite enjoyed that.

I finally broke down and bought Bolt on DVD--I kept seeing the commercials and wanting to get a hamster, but what with two cats, a husband, and a kid on the way, I thought, you know, maybe I should just buy the movie instead.  So I will probably be watching that this afternoon, after I watch my last Primeval DVD.  

That's all I've got I think.  I hope you all have a great one!


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