Monday, February 23, 2009

I still think Peter Gabriel was robbed...

I won't begrudge Slumdog Millionaire the award for best score but the song from Wall-E was a much better song.  Grr.  Argh.  

Sigh, oh well.  I don't get a vote.

Other than that I wasn't too excited or disappointed by anything that happened at the Academy Awards last night.  I was glad to see Heath win the best supporting actor.  Despite the possibility of it being a "pity vote" I think he honestly deserved it.  Rest in peace dude.  

Anyway, I was out of town most of last week, so I've got a DVR jam-packed with shows to catch up.  I guess that works out since I have some form of the plague and don't really want to do much besides sit around today.  Of course I woke up with this itch to watch The Italian Job again, so some of the queued shows may have to wait.  

On the bonus side, I was trying to find Clean House, which my mom and I watched oodles last week, and instead inadvertantly found out when Jeopardy! comes on here.  Huzzah!

Anyhoo, take care all.  


Margaret said...

I totally agree and I am having a LOT of trouble getting over it. The song was great, the tune is fabulous, the composition is really clever (with the "space ship" theme in the background of the chorus), the choir is heavenly. . .

This reminds me of when the Counting Crows lost out to whatever that forgettable song was a few years ago...

SciFiTVFanGirl said...

Oh man, don't remind me! I was so pumped to get to see Counting Crows on the Oscars and then they were completely denied. Sigh, maybe I should have learned back then...