Sunday, December 21, 2008

Nothing to report...

Well, I really don't have too much to say today.

I'm finishing up Saved By the Bell today (just watched the last episode of The College Years and now all I have left is the Wedding in Vegas).  

Man, these people exist in a magical universe where time does not proceed in a linear fashion, and that's really all I've got to say about that.  And the people who put together the DVD sets weren't any better, you think they would have at least tried to give some sort of order to the stories...but oh well.

Still, worth a watch.  One day in the future I look foward to forcing this series on my offspring.  Mostly just because I can.  And because for the most part I am still pretty convinced that the kids' programming from when I was a youngun is leaps and bounds better than the crap out today. 

I haven't really gotten any new TV series on DVD lately, but the movies have been piling up, so once I finish SBTB I will start working on those before I dive into season 2 of Heroes.  Here are the movies I have to watch in the next week or so:

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
The Dark Knight
The Mummy Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
Shaun the Sheep (more a collection of shorts, but still awesome)
The Jane Austen Book Club
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Big Business

Most television shows have gone on hiatus for the next week or two, so that should give me plenty of time for movie-viewing at least.  

As I said in an earlier post, if you're not watching Leverage on TNT, I totally recommend it.  It's a fun show and the cast plays phenomenally well together.  I wouldn't mind getting to run around in that sandbox for a while.

That's about all I've got for you folks.

I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

Stay safe,

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