Sunday, December 21, 2008

Nothing to report...

Well, I really don't have too much to say today.

I'm finishing up Saved By the Bell today (just watched the last episode of The College Years and now all I have left is the Wedding in Vegas).  

Man, these people exist in a magical universe where time does not proceed in a linear fashion, and that's really all I've got to say about that.  And the people who put together the DVD sets weren't any better, you think they would have at least tried to give some sort of order to the stories...but oh well.

Still, worth a watch.  One day in the future I look foward to forcing this series on my offspring.  Mostly just because I can.  And because for the most part I am still pretty convinced that the kids' programming from when I was a youngun is leaps and bounds better than the crap out today. 

I haven't really gotten any new TV series on DVD lately, but the movies have been piling up, so once I finish SBTB I will start working on those before I dive into season 2 of Heroes.  Here are the movies I have to watch in the next week or so:

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
The Dark Knight
The Mummy Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
Shaun the Sheep (more a collection of shorts, but still awesome)
The Jane Austen Book Club
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Big Business

Most television shows have gone on hiatus for the next week or two, so that should give me plenty of time for movie-viewing at least.  

As I said in an earlier post, if you're not watching Leverage on TNT, I totally recommend it.  It's a fun show and the cast plays phenomenally well together.  I wouldn't mind getting to run around in that sandbox for a while.

That's about all I've got for you folks.

I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

Stay safe,

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Are you watching?

If you like heist movies (think Ocean's 11 and The Italian Job)--you should be watching Leverage on TNT.  

Aside from the absolutely stellar cast as well as some super groovy guest stars so far, the show itself is extremely engaging and entertaining.  

So yeah, Leverage.  Tuesday nights on TNT.  

Check it out, it's great stuff.


Monday, December 15, 2008

Definitely not a Pokemon...

Not a bad wrap-up to this "chapter" of Heroes.  

In what may be totally my most favorite Heroes moment ever, we learn that Hiro does not like to be called Pikachu.  


I'm lovin' it.

Also, I think they gave it a pretty decent set-up for the Fugitives arc.  Now I am actually looking forward to seeing how that plays out.

Otay, that is all.  

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Just let us get to the good stuff already...

Okay, so today I want to tell you about one of my pet peeves when it comes to television shows on DVDs.

That would be the opening credits.  I absolutely can NOT stand it when the chapters are cut so that the opening credits land in the middle of a chapter.  Once those credits start rolling you should be able hit that "skip" button on your remote and jump right in to the episode.  I am honestly not entirely sure why the DVDs include the opening credits at all, because seriously, it's not like you don't know what show you're watching...

Okay, okay, I know that they need to have the credits on there, I get that.  But if you're the kind of person who is going to sit down and watch a whole disc of the series at once, you don't really need to see the credits over and over again.  

The only two shows I don't fast forward through the credits for are Psych and Scrubs...and that is because I like their theme songs as actual songs not opening credits.  

Sigh, anyhoo.  I know I can just suck it up and use the fast forward rather than the skip, but then you risk the whole, "oh darn I went too far, now I have to go back" situation.  Ergh.  

If you're wondering what brought this on, I've been working my way through the Saved By the Bell DVDs and, as you can guess, they don't give me the option to just skip over the credits.  

Other than that though, I am really enjoying rewatching this show.  Sometimes reliving your childhood is just the thing to get you through a crazy month.

I hope all is well with everyone!

Have a super week, and whatever you're watching, enjoy!


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

This is exactly what I was talking about.

Did you watch Heroes last night?  Remember what I was saying about how it's really just ripping off The 4400?  Last night was a prime example.

We've now got "enhanced" soldiers being created by a corporation with ties to a dubious government official.  The soldiers are being given powers/abilities so they can "protect" the "normal" population from other people with powers/abilities.  


Also, they totally stole Chad Faust to be one of the soldiers.  Chad was Kyle Baldwin on The 4400.  Not that I am complaining about that particular piece of theft or anything.  I do not begrudge the guy work and I am perfectly happy to watch him on my screen.  

Of course, his arrival is timmed with the exit of Seth Green's character, to which I say boo.  Sigh.  

Hey, even io9 is pointing out the similarities between the two shows now, kinda.  

Seriously though, I have no idea where Heroes is going now.  I am truly wondering if it is going to make it to season four.  I'm kinda not sure if I want it to or not.  I guess we'll just have to see how things play out.

Well, that's all I've got for you. 

Have a great one,

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Jack Davenport, Joseph Fiennes, AND John Cho?

Yeah, I will be watching this show.  I have no idea if it will be any good or not, but at the moment, don't even care.

Flash Forward update on i09.


I know it's wrong but...

I am two discs in to the final season of The 4400 and already planning on what to start watching next. 

(Quick digression:  The more I watch The 4400, the more I feel like Heroes totally ripped it off, and in a pretty inferior copy to boot.  And I like Heroes, so what does that say about how much I love The 4400?)

Even though I have an embarrassingly huge pile of TV shows on DVD waiting to be watched, I really think I am going to dive into my most recent arrival next.  That would be the entire series of Saved By The Bell.  Yes, roll your eyes at me, it's okay.  I still love the show.  At least it's only in half-hour format so it shouldn't take me too long to blaze through.  

In personal news, I am hoping to be able to post much more often come 2009.  My husband and I made the difficult decision that for my emotional sanity it has come time for me and my employer to part ways.  So December 31 is officially my last day at the place of evil.  I have been promised I can take the month of January off, and then I will probably start looking for some new work.  While it is going to mean some sacrifices on both our parts (sigh, no more new DVDs for me after the January crop I've preordered, to say the least), we are both really happy about this decision.  

Here is what I am hoping to spend my upcoming "vacation" doing:

-Catch up on my DVDs
-Play video games
-Catch up on my reading pile (it's as embarrassing as my DVD pile, scarily enough)
-WRITE (I've got at least two stories that I have started and stalled out on that I want to dive back in to)
-Exercise (yes, I know, not really a vacation-y type thing, but I am sorely in need of it, and I will have the time so plan to use it at least a little for good)

So there you go.  The new year can't get here fast enough for me. 

I hope you all are having a great one, much love.  

Until next time,