Sunday, October 19, 2008

Not much of anything...

I don't have a whole lot to say today.  Maybe it's just because I am in dire need of lunch, but my writing muse seems to have buggered off.

I had the day off from work on Thursday and I finally got to do my Star Wars marathon that I have been meaning to have since August.  I watched Episodes I, II, and III all in a row.  It was wonderful.  

I know most people didn't like them, but really there was no way that they were going to be able to live up to the originals because there were 20 + years in between the sets for people to build up their expectations.  

For my money, I just love them because I still think they're fun, even though I will admit they are much darker in tone than the original trilogy.  But anyone watching them is watching from a point of knowing that these three are leading us into the bad times that start off the original films, and things do get better from there.  So the darkness, in my mind, is necessary.  There are still plenty of spaceships and light saber fights and cool droids.  Plus you've got R2-D2 being awesome as always and Ewan MacGregor managing to make Obi-Wan Kenobi sexy.  Shouldn't be possible, totally is.

  My marathon did have one random side effect though.  It made watching the new Clone Wars episode last night a little odd.  The voices seemed more off to me than they normally do because I had so recently seen the actors they are trying to sound like.  Also it was just bizarre watching the clones be so essential to the fighting and so depended on, and liked, by the Jedi and the Republic.  I know that they are the foundation of the Storm Troopers, but still...I really was digging the clones.   It's a little harder to do though so fresh off of the "Execute Order 66" scene.  Oh well.  Probably by next week it will be okay again.  I hope so, cuz it looks like the next episode is very clone-centric.

Let's see, what else?  Oh, saw The Duchess Friday night.  I really enjoyed it.  Even though, as is usually the case with the very long and beautiful Kiera Knightly period pieces, I realized I had to pee a third of the way through, but being stubborn, waited until the film was over to go.  Ergh.  

Seriously though, it was a very good movie.  If you enjoy films like Gosford Park or Atonement, I highly recommend it.  Not necessarily if you're taking your friend out the night before she's getting married though...not a good "happy marriage" thoughts movie.  It definitely made me glad we no longer live in the era of arranged marriages, or of pre-20th century undergarments, come to think of it.

Anyway, lunch is calling my name.  I wish you all a spectacular week!


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