Sunday, June 8, 2008

Spreading the love...

I love getting to share a show I like with someone else. It's so much fun to hear that they enjoy it as much as I do, or to actually get to watch with them and see them experience it for the first time.

This weekend, we got to introduce my mother-in-law to the awesomeness of The Office. She had seen bits and pieces of it of course, but had never had the chance to sit down and watch an entire episode. So when we went in for a visit this weekend, we took in the first three seasons on DVD to loan to her.

She's just retired from a very admirable teaching career and now she actually has some free time to use on things like watching television shows. The hubby and I had an engagement yesterday evening, but before we left we watched the first few episodes with her and when we returned we found she had already finished the (admittedly short) first season.

Good stuff. She really seemed to dig it and I'm exited to hear her reactions as the next two seasons unfold.

So if you've got a loved one in your life (or just an acquaintance that you can trust with your stuff), find a show you know they'd like but have never gotten a chance to view, and pass it along. Adding new fans is always a good step towards keeping those great shows around for a little longer, and if the show isn't still on the air, well, that doesn't mean that new people can't enjoy it as well.

I hope everyone has a great week.

Check you later,

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