Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Uh oh...

So it just occurred to me that it is Tuesday (I beg for slack, I have been sick) and it is almost my bedtime, and I totally forgot about blogging. And yet...I am still here. It will have to be a short one though. Then again, maybe that makes you jump for joy...anyhoo, so, off the cuff topic = new shows! HERE BE SPOILERS!

It's premiere week! I was able to sneak in the season premiere of Heroes last night and I am already excited about the new season. I was extremely upset with Mohinder (I really may not be spelling that correctly) for signing on with the Company until it was revealed as part of a plot to bring them down from the inside. Sweet! Because really, what does this show need more of? Intrigue you say? No, really? Well...okay, we'll go with it. Other notable moments include Nathan Petrelli's drunk bearded funk--while I am not supportive of anyone drowning their sorrows in the bottle it certainly is nice to see that he's realizing what an ass he's been. I am not sure how I feel about Claire's new stalker-ish love interest, but maybe he's not as creepy as he seems...and HRG's takedown of his pansy ass manager was just brilliant. I am also loving Hiro stuck in the past. It seems almost terribly predictable where they are going with this, but hey, I've been wrong before, so I guess I'll just have to keep watching and see. But making Kensei a British mercenary--beautiful. And then...Peter's back! Yay! Hopefully his amnesia won't last forever and he and Claire can get back to being superheroes together. Their (strictly familial) chemistry just makes me giddy.

I also got to check out the Chuck and Journeyman series premieres tonight. I must say, Chuck had me laughing insanely (and freaking out the cats) and Journeyman has left me quite intrigued. It is nowhere near as Quantum Leapish as I feared/hoped it would be, but I am very much interested to see where it goes.

Well, that's it for now. I hope everyone has a great week!


recent acquisitions: Knocked Up, My Name Is Earl season 2 (alas, nothing scifi this week)

1 comment:

Getting rid of my beer gut said...

Hey! You can thank your hubby. And also that I can afford internet again :)