Friday, April 24, 2009

Television doldrums...

So, I know I have kind of vanished lately but it's because I haven't been watching that much teleivision--at least, not anything I've been paying attention to.  I have been deep deep in the world of Wheel of Time (rest in peace, Robert Jordan).  I just started book nine (out of eleven published so far) yesterday.  I've been pretty wrapped up in that and so haven't been doing too much with the DVDs during the day--though my cat seems to have taken exception to this:

I did manage to watch season seven of Degrassi the Next Generation this week though.  This was the first season that I didn't watch at all on television (I got through half of season six when it aired on The N but then got fed up with their scheduling issues and lost track), so it was a completely new experience for me.  That was kind of fun.  I spent a couple of my morning walks with my husband catching him up on all of the stuff that went down this season (he has never really watched the show but is amused by my enjoyment of it and is so peripherally aware of what goes on with it).  I honestly have no idea why I still watch this show, it's gotten so far from where it started.  It's not the same as Smallville, in that it is still very much enjoyable, but it is definitely in my eyes a completely different show than it was.  Still, I'll keep getting the DVDs as long as it keeps going.  When my daughter gets old enough, I'll let her watch these for sure, but with the caveat that while this is one of the more "real" shows out there as far as teen life goes, it still doesn't necessarily illustrate good judgement on the part of, well, any of the characters, and she should understand that most of these kids are idiots purely to up the drama factor.


Wow, I only have one set of DVDs left in my "pile" for the firs time in over two years.  I am not quite sure what to make of that.  

I was super excited to find out that Lost in Austen, the British series that I could never find on cable in the US (though apparently there was a channel that aired it, just not one I was aware of) was coming out on DVD this month, and at a steal for only $15 from Amazon (it clocks in at a total of three hours for the season, apparently).  So that is what I will watch this week.  I really can't wait.

After that, I think I am going to watch all of the Harry Potter movies again--though I might wait until July for that marathon, and then I need to decide which of my existing series I want start a rewatch of.  I am leaning toward Stargate, but that is the last series I tried a rewatch of and I only got through season five before I ended up with the beginning of my original DVD pile up that I am just now finishing...also, there are quite a few series coming out in June and July that I'll be getting, so I don't want to start a ten season series rewatch if I am only going to get halfway through it before I need to set it aside again.  Hmm...this will take some thought.  Also, I am kind of thinking my rewatch will be accompanied with a blog-along review.  It had occurred to me watching something recently that I need to do some liveblogging, and this might be better than for new we'll see.  

I must say though, finishing up my DVD pile gives me hope for my reading pile...oy vey, is that massive....

I think that's all I've got for now.  I hope this finds you all well!

Have a super weekend, don't forget to watch Dollhouse tonight!

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