Sunday, December 14, 2008

Just let us get to the good stuff already...

Okay, so today I want to tell you about one of my pet peeves when it comes to television shows on DVDs.

That would be the opening credits.  I absolutely can NOT stand it when the chapters are cut so that the opening credits land in the middle of a chapter.  Once those credits start rolling you should be able hit that "skip" button on your remote and jump right in to the episode.  I am honestly not entirely sure why the DVDs include the opening credits at all, because seriously, it's not like you don't know what show you're watching...

Okay, okay, I know that they need to have the credits on there, I get that.  But if you're the kind of person who is going to sit down and watch a whole disc of the series at once, you don't really need to see the credits over and over again.  

The only two shows I don't fast forward through the credits for are Psych and Scrubs...and that is because I like their theme songs as actual songs not opening credits.  

Sigh, anyhoo.  I know I can just suck it up and use the fast forward rather than the skip, but then you risk the whole, "oh darn I went too far, now I have to go back" situation.  Ergh.  

If you're wondering what brought this on, I've been working my way through the Saved By the Bell DVDs and, as you can guess, they don't give me the option to just skip over the credits.  

Other than that though, I am really enjoying rewatching this show.  Sometimes reliving your childhood is just the thing to get you through a crazy month.

I hope all is well with everyone!

Have a super week, and whatever you're watching, enjoy!


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