Agent Dale Cooper:
"Harry, I have no idea where this will lead us, but I have a definite feeling it will be a place both wonderful and strange."
"Harry, I have no idea where this will lead us, but I have a definite feeling it will be a place both wonderful and strange."

I just finished watching this brilliant epic last night. Wow, what a strange and bizarre ride.
From the series finale, it seems pretty clear to me that the creators didn't know that they weren't going to get renewed for a third season, and so I wasn't entirely satisfied with the ending, but other than that, I have to say that I enjoyed this series a whole lot more than I expected to.
The whole story revolves around this strange small town of Twin Peaks, Washington and how it is forever changed by the murder of beloved high school student Laura Palmer. Season one and the first half of season two focus mainly on the investigation of Laura's murder. I addition to the local law enforcement, FBI Agent Dale Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan) has been sent to the town to work on the case, as it bears strong resemblance to another murder the FBI had previously investigated (and clearly not solved). It seems like everyone in town has some sort of involvement in the case, and at the very least, everyone knows something about Laura Palmer that they aren't telling. In addition to the central storyline, there are enough affairs, devious plots, shady business deals, and teen angst moments to keep any soap opera busy for a decade. If that wasn't enough, there are also then the giants, homicidal spirits, possible aliens, bizarre shared dreams, and mythical Native American entrances to the next world(s). And every freaking thing seems to be somehow connected to every other freaking thing. Plus, the police sheriff's name is Harry S. Truman, and there's a lady with a log.
Seriously, I could probably watch this series two more times through and still not be clear on everything that's going on. I'll confess I never watched the X-Files, but I am convinced this show paved the way for that one to have any chance on the air. I am equally convinced that if someone had tried to pitch this show to a network today, they would have been shot down cold. It is just plain weird. But weird doesn't mean bad. I'll admit to approaching this show with a skeptical outlook, but while it took me most of the first season, I did find myself utterly hooked by the end. I can totally understand why people still talk about trying to revive this show (though I honestly don't think it will ever happen).
Story aside, this series had an absolutely phenomenal cast. I've never really cared for Kyle MacLachlan, my previous exposure to him had mostly consisted of his role as Charlotte's first husband on Sex and the City. But his stint as Dale Cooper has given me a newfound appreciation for the actor. As strange as I found the character, he was played with such an affable quirky honesty that I couldn't help but like him, and respect the actor for playing him.
Other series regulars included the likes of Piper Laurie, a disturbingly healthy looking Lara Flynn Boyle, Don S. Davis (playing an Air Force Major engaged in "deep space telemmetry"--i.e., looking for aliens, beautiful), Mary Jo Deschanel (mother to Emily and Zooey), Ray Wise, Russ Tamblyn, and Kimmy Robertson.
Then we have the guest stars--Billy Zane, Heather Graham, Miguel Ferrer, Robyn Lively (Teen Witch!), Royce D. Applegate, Ted Raimi, Willie Garson, and of course David Duchovny. And these lists are just people I recognized from things.
With all of the people running around Twin Peaks, there was truly a character for everyone. I think my two favorite regular characters were Deputies Andy and Hawk. They just really seemed to flesh things out for me. My favorite guest character, was, of course, David Duchovny's cross-dressing DEA agent. That guy has done some weird stuff, but this was perhaps the most awesome, IMHO. I also enjoyed Miguel Ferrer's condescending FBI agent as well.
As weird as it was, I am truly glad that I watched this series. I am definitely going to have to watch it again, though not any time soon. I need some time away from the oddness. Next up, Crossinng Jordan season one. Hey...more Miguel Ferrer!
Keep on trucking y'all. See you next week,